If you’re a business owner, you know the benefits of having a Facebook presence. It’s a great way to promote your business, connect with customers and grow your brand. But if you aren’t seeing the results you want from your Facebook page, then it’s time to change up some things. In this article I’ll show you 6 tricks that can help increase your Facebook reach and get more people interested in what you have to offer!
1. Post at the right time
You might be surprised to learn that the best times to post on Facebook are not necessarily when you’re feeling most alert. In fact, posting at the wrong time can decrease your reach by up to 50%.
The best times to post are between 12pm and 2pm on weekdays and between 10am and 11am on weekends (in your local time zone). These two windows have the highest engagement rates for businesses with fewer than 5k fans, according to HubSpot’s 2015 State of Inbound Report.
2. Post video posts to increase Facebook reach
Video posts are more likely to be shared, liked and commented on. This is because they are more engaging than other types of content. Facebook’s algorithm also favours video posts so you’ll get higher reach if you post them than if you don’t.
Video posts have many benefits:
- They help increase engagement with your audience and increase organic reach
- They can be used as a tool to get more followers because people love watching videos
- If done correctly, they can even lead directly into sales pitches or calls-to-action
3. Post on other days of the week besides Monday and Wednesday
The third and final trick is to post on other days of the week besides Monday and Wednesday. The reason why you should use this tactic is that most people tend to post on those two days because they are easy to remember, but it’s important not to fall into a routine!
To get started, try posting one or two times per week on a different day than usual–it could be Friday or Saturday if that works better for your audience. If it doesn’t work out as well as expected (which can happen), then go back to posting only during your regular schedule until another occasion arises where posting would be appropriate again.
4. Use the right hashtags, not too many and not too few.
The next trick is to use hashtags.
Hashtags are those little words and phrases that you see on Facebook posts, Twitter tweets, Instagram posts and other social media platforms. They help people find your content by searching for specific topics or themes in their feeds.
So what makes them so powerful? When someone clicks on one of your hashtags they’ll see all the other posts that used that same hashtag! This means more exposure for your post as well as an opportunity for engagement from new followers who may otherwise have never known about it (or even heard of you).
But there’s also something else going on here: When someone clicks on one of these hashtages it signals to Facebook (and other platforms) that this post has been “liked” by many users – which means it will get pushed up higher in people’s newsfeeds!
5. Add “for [your location]” to the end of your post title.
This isn’t a huge change, but it’s one that I’ve found can help your posts get more engagement. Why? Well, because when someone sees a post from a friend who lives in another state or country they’re likely to click on it – especially if the post is about something that only happens in their area! So adding “for [your location]” to the end of your post title will help people find this content and engage with it.
6. Add a border around your images to boost Facebook reach.
The first thing you should do is add a border around your images. You can do this by clicking on the image, then clicking on the “Format” tab in the top right corner of your screen, and selecting “Border” from the dropdown menu that appears. From here, choose whether to make use of round corners or straight lines; I personally prefer round ones because they look more professional and crisp–but choose whichever one works best for you! Then just type in how thick or thin of a line you’d like around each corner (I recommend keeping these measurements small), hit “OK,” and voila! Your image will now have new borders surrounding it that are much easier for people to see than if there were no borders at all!
Facebook has been changing their algorithm and giving more weight to posts that are shared by other people.
Facebook has been changing their algorithm and giving more weight to posts that are shared by other people. The more people share your post, the more reach you will get. The more your post is shared, the more likely it is to be seen by new people!
Facebook reach is a simple thing to increase if you know how to do it right
Facebook reach is a simple thing to increase if you know how to do it right.
- Facebook reach is the number of people who see your post in their newsfeed
Facebook reach is related to the number of people who see your post in their newsfeed, and it can be increased by using these clever tricks:
I hope you found this post helpful in increasing your Facebook reach. Remember that the most important thing is to post at the right time and use the right hashtags. Don’t try too hard or do anything too complicated; just follow these simple tips and let them do all the work for you!