If you’ve been on Instagram for any length of time, you’ll know that the number of followers you have is a reflection of your popularity. And if you want to interact with other users and share your work more easily, then it’s important to make sure that your profile isn’t buried under a mountain of notifications and followers. Fortunately, there are ways to increase your follower count by giving others a reason to follow you back:
Create a strong Instagram profile to increase followers.
- A good profile picture. The first thing that people see when they visit your Instagram profile is your profile picture, so make sure it’s something that will draw them in and make them want to stay around for a while. You could use an actual photo of yourself or something else that has meaning for you–just make sure it looks professional and high quality.
- An engaging bio (optional). If you do want to include a bit more information about who you are in the “About” section of your Instagram page, go ahead and do so! This section can be filled with links to other social media accounts (like Twitter or Facebook), job titles, skillsets or anything else that may help people find out more about who is behind all those beautiful photos on their screen right now…but don’t feel pressured if this isn’t something that interests or inspires you enough yet; we’ll come back around later when we talk about hashtags again!
Use hashtags on your posts.
Using hashtags is a great way to get your content in front of new eyes. You can use hashtags that are relevant to your content, popular and specific to your niche, location or audience.
- Relevant: Use hashtags related to the topic of your post (e.g., “#food” for a foodie Instagram account). This will help people discover what they’re looking for more quickly and easily than if they had to sift through all of the posts on Instagram without any context as to what they might find in them.
- Popular: Try using popular hashtags like #instagood or #photooftheday–but make sure yours fits into this category too! If not then it might come off as spammy rather than helpful/funny/etc…
- Niche-specific: If there’s something specific about what you’re posting that would interest other users who follow similar accounts (such as if you’re posting from Paris), consider using an appropriate local hashtag such as #parisphotos or #parisfashionweek instead of just using generic ones like #travelpics etc.. This way other travelers might come across it while scrolling through their feed and click through since they recognize where those images were taken!
Find people who follow the same accounts as you and follow them back.
Finding people who follow the same accounts as you and following them back is a great way to increase your Instagram followers. If you’re interested in finding new people to follow, look for accounts that have similar interests and demographics (age, gender, location) as yours. For example: if your account is focused on fashion or travel photos, search “fashion” or “travel” in the Instagram search bar then select one of those categories at the top right corner and look through some of their recent posts–these are likely other accounts with similar content!
When looking through these users’ profiles make sure they have some sort of engagement with their followers; this could mean liking other people’s pictures or posting regularly themselves (at least once per week). If someone has been active on social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter recently then chances are good that they’ll be active on Instagram too! And finally–if there’s one thing we know about millennials it’s that they love local businesses; so make sure any new followers live near where you do by searching within a reasonable distance from where your current location says it is located (or somewhere else nearby).
Schedule your Instagram posts.
Schedule these posts to be published at the times of day when you know you’ll have the most engagement and traffic, or on days of the week that get more traffic. For example, if you post on Monday afternoons and have a large following in Australia (where it’s afternoon), then schedule that post for 3 p.m. AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time).
Follow other photographers, artists or bloggers you like.
The best way to get followers on Instagram is to follow other photographers, artists or bloggers you like. This is because when people follow you back, they’ll see your posts and may be interested in what you’re doing.
If you want to increase your follower count then make sure the people who already follow you are engaged with your content – if they aren’t interacting with what you post (liking or commenting), then it’s unlikely that anyone new will either!
Followers have a huge impact on how much exposure your account gets so if someone has thousands of followers but doesn’t engage with their audience often enough then chances are their account won’t be seen by many people who don’t already know them personally (like friends).
You can increase followers on instagram by interacting with other users and posting consistently
The best way to increase followers on Instagram is by interacting with other users. This can be done by liking, commenting and sharing their posts. The more you engage with people and show that you’re interested in what they have to say, the more likely they are going to follow your account as well!
The second best way is by posting consistently. If possible try not ever miss a day without uploading a new picture or video because this will help build up trust between you and your audience which will make them more likely come back again tomorrow for another dose of content from you!
The third best way would be being original/unique; don’t just post pictures of yourself eating food! There are hundreds if not thousands more accounts like yours doing exactly that so I promise if there isn’t anything special about how YOU do it – no one will notice anyway 🙂 Just try something different like maybe writing poems instead? Or drawing cartoons? Anything at all really as long as it makes sense within YOUR niche market.
Now that you know how to increase followers on instagram, it’s time to start building your audience. There are lots of ways to do this and we hope that this article has given you some inspiration. Remember that it takes time, but if you keep at it then eventually your Instagram marketing efforts will pay off!